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Denilson wrote down for us what he
likes about Writing for Webheads
Read how Denilson found a job in the States, summer,
Denilson checks in often. Read what he has to say below.
picture was taken at Memorial da América Latina - São Paulo
Denilson has written on the following
Webheads writing topics
Denilson checks
in from the states (October 1999) ...
Denilson wrote again November 1, 1999.
Well, in the beginning everything was new, streets, parks, other places. Things here are so different from Brazil. The food is spicier, and the people are more polite and more conservative.
Colorado is very beautiful []. We are in the mountain region. Now it is cold during the night and it will snow from November until April. People here are waiting for the ski season to go skiing and snowboarding, but the lifts are not here in Colorado Springs, the city where I live. The ski resort is 2 hours from here, in Vail.
I'm living with an American roommate (just1 minute from the hotel where I work). He is teaching me slang, new words, and pronunciation. When we international students arrived, we could stay for 45 days in the hotel's accommodation, to meet other international students, but after that, we had to move out and rent an apartment. I had the option to live with a Hungarian guy, but because of the English [and the rent] I prefer to live with the American guy. After 30 days I bought a car [Hyundai Excel] because here the places I like to visit are far away, and the buses run just until 6:00 p.m. Because of that, everybody has to have a car. Here it is cheaper to buy an old one.
The quality of life is good. We work hard, but we earn a salary appropriate to the work, so it's fair. In Brazil sometimes we worked hard and the payroll was pathetic while others did almost no work at all and earned a lot of money [politicians].
I know some bars but now it's too cold to go out during the night, so I stay at home watching TV and eating frozen food [Chinese and Italian].
I am working from 08:00h to 16:30h in the computer room of the Broadmoor hotel [] and my job is to help users with problems [printers, PCs, workstations...], run programs, print, separate and deliver reports. Now we are testing all the PCs because of the Y2K year bug.
As for friends, I have made a few since I arrived, first international students, and afterwards in my job and through the Internet. The majority of my friends work in the hotel [1,700 employees].
I hope to get to know the surf after going to Hawaii. I'm negotiating with my boss for 2 weeks off during January to get to know the Pacific islands. I miss the ocean a lot, the Florianopolis beaches and of course the surf. And after I finish my training I'll probably go to California and maybe Mexico.
Sometimes I feel homesick, but I need to keep my mind here and not in Brazil to take advantage of this training, but I miss Brazil a lot...
Ok! Friends, good vibrations for everybody...
Denilson when he first joined Webheads
(before summer 1999) ...
Hi! My name is Denilson and I live in Brazil. I want to increase my knowledge of English in order to do an interchange later this year. I have some problems with English grammar and spelling because I always learn alone and never pay any attention to grammar. I hope to be better now that I know a lot of people from EFI. |
If you want to know more about me please visit the following address: There you will see who Denilson is.
This address contains pictures, but you will never get access by a link from my website. You have to go to this url: A lot of the pictures there aren't for everybody, just for friends, but I consider everyone from EFI my friends.
Other pictures can be accessed by links in my home page, but this kind of picture shows a Denilson more responsible and professional, while the link that I mentioned above is for all the pictures that I like.
I put a link to the EFI main page in my home page.
Also I have: - Uma tabela de links em constante atualização trazendo sites úteis. This means, a link table with good sites with constant updates, something like that. It's like a gateway.
Check out these fine photos of
Denilson taken around Florianopolis
1. Mapa de Florianopolis (9 KB) - "Nao va ser perder por ai" – Mutantes -
2. Ponte Hercilio Luz (6 KB) -
3. Ano Novo (9 KB) - Reveillon das Luzes em Fpolis -
4. Reveillon Y2K - Rio de Janeiro (31 KB) -
5. Morro da Lagoa (15 KB) - Lagoas, Dunas, Oceano Atlantico, Floresta Atlantica...
6. Morro da Lagoa (23 KB) - Trilhas ecologicas pelo morro da lagoa. -
7. Lagoa da Conceicao (32 KB) - Bar do Nativo -
8. Mole / Barra (29 KB) - Descida da Mole em direcao a Barra da Lagoa -
9. Mocambique (21 KB) - Estrada geral do Mocambique -
10. Costao Dazaranha (24 KB) - Um dos lugares mais bonitos de Florianopolis -
11. Costao Dazaranha II (12 KB) - A paz reside aqui...
12. Morro das Pedras (43 KB) -
13. Caldeira (22 KB) - Uma das belas praias e uma das melhores ondas de Floripa...
14. Naufragados (24 KB) - 30 min. de caminhada atraves de trilhas -
15. Costao do Santinho (20 KB) -
16. Alimentando o sagui no Canto (25 KB) -
17. Canto da Lagoa (32 KB) -
18. Lagoa do Peri (15 KB) - Trilha ecologica
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