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Gloria has placed a Message in a Bottle and cast it into the ocean of cyberspace Meet Gloria |
Hi! My name is Gloria. I would like to join you and share in this experience. I'm 29, I'm from Paraguay, and my current language is Spanish. I began studying English years ago. I went to an institute but most of the time I did it on my own. I'm interested in practicing English, writing it and having discussions with other people about some topics in grammar. |
I can read and understand English very well since I have been reading many articles and books. I need to increase my vocabulary and would like to have review on (for instance) suffixes like -out and -up.
I'm able to meet you at Sunday´s online classes. I have downloaded The Palace. I'm a user of ICQ #:19145462, I have browsers and connecting to the Internet is not a problem for me but a good thing!
At this moment, all the people here are shocked. Ten years ago General Stroessner left power and democracy began in my country But Stroessner gave us stability when he was in control. At this moment our democracy is in danger. The actual president Raul Cubas has to face impeachment (like Clinton). The Congress is dealing with the situation to bring us again to the right way. (March 25, 1999)
There's more on the situation in Paraguay in the chat logs. (April 4, 1999) Read Gloria's essay: What films can show us (June, 1999) |
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