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Chat with students Ying Lan and Felix and Roner from Brazil, and teachers Maggi and Vance |
I arrived at the Palace to find Felix waiting there. I was at my office playing with NetMeeting, and Felix agreed to hook up with me. We made the connection but because Felix had an older version of the software than I did, he could see and hear me but I couldn’t see or hear him. Felix lost his connection, but meanwhile Maggi had come on, and she and I sat for a while at the Palace talking. Eventually I started installing CU-See-me on my computer. It was taking up the whole screen, but my computer started talking to me. It was Ying Lan. I recognized her voice. So I pressed F9 and talked to her although I couldn’t see any of my applications except the install screen. Still the hearme chat worked and we were able to converse. By then Felix had rejoined Maggi at the Palace. Just as Ying Lan had decided to join the two of them, Felix’s friend Roner appeared in the voice chat. I told Felix and he left the Palace to join Roner and I at the voice chat site. From that point, I chatted with Roner and Felix by voice and by text in the voice chat area, while Maggi and Ying Lan conducted girl-talk in the Palace. I was in both places, but paying most attention to the guys in the voice chat. I wasn’t sure if the girls wanted me to join them, but when the guys left I did. Eventually the conversation wound down and I was left all by myself.
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This chat had two parts: The Palace part and the Voice Chat part
Connecting to
Connected via TCP
Connecting to
Connected via TCP
Extraneous Packet 0x2cffc6
*** Welcome to The Virtual School House Vance!
Vance: @64,64 !It's Vance
No connection - Click Anywhere to enter a Palace
Connecting to
Connected via TCP
*** Welcome to The Virtual School House Vance!
Vance: @64,64 !It's Vance
Vance: Hey Felix. You're up early
Felix: Hi Vance..
Felix: Yeah... I slept early yesterday.
Vance: You went to bed early yesterday.
Felix: That's right
Vance: or went to sleep ...
Felix: So, how was the conference?
Vance: It went very well. There were six of us there.
Felix: Kewl!!!!!!!!!!
Vance: We're doing another one on Wed May 3rd at 13:00 GMT.
Felix: Wanna go to MC's voice hp? Or are you doing something else?
Vance: That's the same time of day as the last one
Vance: No, I can go there.
Felix: what is the www?
Vance: I'm there now.
Vance: Hey, I've got a video on this thing. Can you do net meeting?
Felix: yep
Maggi: @64,64 !It's Maggi
Maggi: Hi..
Vance: Hi Maggi. Felix and I are in ICQ. Can you authorize me? Or did you receive the request.
Maggi: did it already
Felix: Hi mad
Maggi: Hi Felix...
Maggi: things better?
Felix: I think so
Maggi: that's something
Felix: or I am believing so hehe
Vance: I'm sending it now. Please check. I'm on a new machine.
Sun Moon: @64,64 !It's Sun Moon
Vance: Hello Sun Moon. Nice name.
Maggi: maybeyes it is
Vance: Felix. I just got word on netmeeting you are not accepting calls.
Felix: uh??????
Vance: I'll try again.
Maggi: this screen is too small
Felix: That's what I hate in Microsoft's programs
Vance: Waiting for response
Maggi: I authorized you Vance
Maggi: see Ying
Felix: I know a program similar to Qtalk, but you can have video also
Vance: No luck this time again.
Maggi: you mean me Vance?
Vance: Maggi, I don't know why I've got you in my awaiting authorization list still.
Felix: brb
Maggi: who knows...Ming is still there but on my list
Vance: Felix and I are trying to establish netmeeting contact
Vance: Felix can see and hear me but I can't see or hear him.
Maggi: I am peeling potatoes
Vance: Did you just get my icq message?
Maggi: yes I did and answered it
Maggi: it's hanging
Vance: It was hung in send through server. I sent it.
Maggi: it went
Vance: I got the reply. I was hoping I could use it to add you to my buddy list. Ok ..
Maggi: so what is with Ying?
Vance: This time I'm going to delete you from this machine and start over.
Maggi: not on the list eh?
Vance: No, not on this one.
Maggi: I see you thoughahhh...getting deleted...again
Vance: ok maggi, what's your icq number??
Vance: so I can add you back of course ...
Maggi: this one is 10343718
Vance: ok, adding user 10343718
Maggi: I wish I could make this thing fit right
Vance: I've got a very irritating banner add. Have you got it?
Maggi: then I could see what I type
Maggi: no
Maggi: old version
Maggi: ok...did it again
Maggi: says it worked
Maggi: nce lady
Maggi: nice
Sun Moon: @64,64 !It's Sun Moon
Vance: lucky you. this one keeps coming back across my text entry window
Vance: That worked. You're on my list now.
Maggi: hey..there you are again Sxdun
Vance: High again, sunmoon
Maggi: Sun Moon
Maggi: you are high again Vance
Maggi: what happened to Ying?
Maggi: there she goes again
Vance: I have to add Ying and Felix to my list here.
Maggi: they both left
Vance: I added Ying but don't see her online
Maggi: they aren't there
Vance: still there?
Maggi: only you me and my potatoes
Maggi: god that chicken smells good!
Maggi: must be busy that Vance
Vance: I was trying to add felix but I see I have an authorization problem there too. Is he online?
Maggi: no
Maggi: they both left
Vance: ok maybe we should just hang out for an hour or so. Are you cooking dinner?
Vance: Something smells good over here.
Maggi: is driving me nuts
Maggi: smells good
Maggi: just peeling potatoes while I wait for a response
Vance: That was neat being able to get a video image out to Felix. I think Nicia was using Netmeeting too.
Vance: I have to type between banner add appearances.
Maggi: can't you get rid of it?
Maggi: Nicia is working on an interesting project.
Vance: How?
Maggi: close it?
Maggi: zap it into the nether ether?
Maggi: push buttons
Vance: Naw, I moved it off screen and it jumped back on. I closed it, it returned.
Maggi: that sort of thing makes me less interested in updating regardless of the bells and whitsles
Vance: It is a living organism ... the CURSE of the banner AD!!!
Maggi: hmmm
Vance: This is the most obnoxious one yet. Most of them will stay buried behind another window.
Maggi: can't you make it small and send it down under?
Maggi: the next curse on humanity...wse need a hacker to solve this
Vance: So you gave up on your download? How are you gonna get that file. You should be loading it in now.
Maggi: don't sweat it...I'll get it...
Maggi: nobody here anyway
Maggi: well...except you...
Vance: I wonder if Maggie got the Palace.
Maggi: and you've heard my voice.
Maggi: don't know
Maggi: saw her earlier
Maggi: didn't ask
Vance: Did you say hi?
Maggi: to Maggie/
Maggi: ?
Maggi: of course
Vance: Did she say she might return?
Maggi: no
Maggi: Ming is sleeping
Maggi: beautiful sunny day here!
Vance: Nice day here too. Thinking about going hiking this weekend. I was in touch with Gosia the other day. She's going hiking too, or climbing.
Maggi: I know...and much happier
Maggi: saw Brigett too
Vance: Her mom's ok too. So what's Bridgett up to?
Maggi: her Aunt died and we had a great conversation about death
Vance: wonder what kind of wake they do
Maggi: normal funeral
Maggi: she believes too that a person's life should be remembered and celebrated...not the end of it
Maggi: she was my age...a year younger
Maggi: so I'm on a kur to getting as fit aS POSSIBLE
Vance: oooo that's my age , less
Maggi: yep...
Maggi: I'm into quality for the rest
Maggi: I may even lick the MS and run again
Vance: What's Reiki btw
Maggi: finding the universal energy
Maggi: siurce oif
Maggi: oops
Maggi: source of
Maggi: it works
Maggi: I know....I didn't show you
Maggi: you are not on icq
Vance: show me what?
Vance: I'm logging on to another computer. I'm going on icq over there.
Maggi: oops
Vance: What Reiki feels like?
Maggi: potatoe fingers
Maggi: yes...Reiki
Maggi: not potatoe fingers
Maggi: they slipped
Maggi: I was not sure about touching you
Maggi: look what happened when we just did a quick missed the tram!
Vance: So Reiki is a kind of touch?
Maggi: yes...only touch
Maggi: when touch a place that doesn't feel good it goes away
Maggi: I
Maggi: I touch on me I mean
Vance: The not feel good goes away?
Maggi: yep
Maggi: it works with others too
Maggi: Peter does it with his children but he hsn't control over it
Vance: Any urls I can visit for more info?
Maggi: yes...a pile...have to find them...
Maggi: don't tell me you are interested?
Maggi: hehehe
Maggi: it fits into quantum mechanics too by the way
Maggi: which states that universal energy can be influenced by thought
Vance: Actually it came up at the office the other day and I didn't know anyti9ng aout it other than it was something you were into.
Maggi: how did it come up?
Vance: Someone was reading out an email. Nothing earth shattering. But when I notice a lacuna in my knowledge I try to fill it.
Maggi: me
Vance: I can't get back onto icq. ?? >>
Maggi: I see that
Maggi: lucky this works
Maggi: maybe that's why there are no stdents or mc
Maggi: or they have such fine weather as here
Maggi: and food cooking
Maggi: ah ther you are now
Vance: I can get on thru this machine but not the other.
Maggi: where would you be without your machines?
Vance: I was trying to move to the other machine. This one is not on my desk.
Vance: What, without my machines? Noooooo
Maggi: on the floor?
Vance: Don't even SAY that ...
Maggi: hehehe
Maggi: have to go back to usine your head...LOL
Maggi: using
Vance: I don't notice you letting much time go by between logons
Maggi: touche...
Maggi: I get it while I can
Maggi: you make me laugh
Maggi: I like it
Maggi: I need to find a man with a sense of humor
Maggi: and can deal with comouters
Maggi: computers
Maggi: but lets me deal with mine
Maggi: biggest is he has to let me be me
Maggi: hmmm
Vance: That's a common thread in women I know who broke free.
Maggi: not going to be easy...they are all married...
Maggi: and found oout they were people too?
Maggi: and didn't want to go back to being a slave or second class?
Vance: guess not. One got her phd
Maggi: bravo
Maggi: sad thing is men would profit more if they had partners instead of you know
Vance: everyone benefits from partnerships, men, women ...
Maggi: then tell me why so many have blinders on?
Maggi: power?
Vance: brought up to be that way
Felix: @64,64 !It's Felix
Felix: Hello again
Vance: Hey there felix.
Felix: So where are the students?
Vance: Felix, I'm going to send you an icq authorization request
Felix: I got it Vance.. And authorized you
Vance: But it didn't work. I have to resend. What's your number (I just deleted it)
Felix: 25808003
Felix: Hey, it's happening a huge party next week here in Brazil
Felix: anybody home?
Maggi: Hi Felix...had to go add potoes and carrots to my chicken
Felix: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Maggi: it smells ssoooooooo good
Felix: So how is stefan?
Maggi: taqking his motorcycle apart
Felix: again?????? oh my!!!!!!!!
Maggi: half of it is in his bedroom
Maggi: some is soaking in the tub
Maggi: it looks like a parts place here
Felix: one day he will built 2 motorcycles with the parts heheh
Maggi: keeps him busy
Maggi: and he is learning
Felix: that's right
Maggi: and he tries to save me money too
Maggi: by doing it himself
Felix: So is he working?
Maggi: hey Ying is back too <Ying stops by the voice chat first; click here to join her there>
Maggi: not yet...until he finishes school in June
Felix: summer job?
Maggi: then I will probably send him to the US for University
Felix: That's a smart option
Felix: choice I mean
Maggi: I could hae him work for me
Maggi: :-)
Felix: LOL bad mom
Maggi: now now...
Maggi: I can deduct it from my taxes...I haqve to give him money anyway!
Felix: Talking about taxes .. I need to have my incoming taxes done this afternoon.. I hate doing it
Maggi: so do I ...
Vance: Ying Lan is in the voice chat. She can't be two places at once. I"l bring her here.
Maggi: income taxes
Maggi: eeee
Felix: yuck!
Maggi: I agree...have to finish 98 nd take it in tomorrow
Felix: Wow!!!!!! 98??????
Maggi: well...I'm late
Felix: so late
Maggi: just got 97 in a few weeks ago
Felix: dont you have to pay any fee because of your delay?
Maggi: I have until October for 99
Felix: I have until this month for 99
Maggi: maybe this ti e...DM 300
Maggi: in the US I would no doubt be in jqil
Maggi: jail
Felix: not in Brazil....
Felix: the most that can happen is that you pay a huge fee
Maggi: Brazil is Europe
Maggi: just want money
Felix: I dont see it this way
Vance: I was just talking to Ying Lan. She's coming here.
Vance: Now Roner is in the voice chat
Felix: oh
Felix: I am going there then <click here to join Felix and Roner in the voice chat>
Vance: And I'm talking to him
Felix: Can you listen to him Vance?
Vance: Yeah, I can hear him. Ying Lan has left and she's coming to the Palace to talk to Maggi
Ying-Lan: @64,64 !It's Ying-Lan
Vance: Hi
Ying-Lan: HI, maggi was gone.
Ying-Lan: only you and me again.
Ying-Lan: What's wrong?????
Ying-Lan: I just pu
Ying-Lan: I just moved my notebook to my room....
Ying-Lan: The line was always busy one hour before... I could not send any message to you by icq at that time, even I saw you in the contact list.
Vance: I wonder why Felix had to leave here to go there? So Ying Lan, you Yyou
Ying-Lan: Felix is still on line...
Ying-Lan: Does he go to our voice chat room?
Ying-Lan: HOw's your weekend? Only for our conference.. or another conference.
Vance: Did you guys pass on the way to and from the Palace?
Ying-Lan: What do you mean.. pass on the way to and from the Palace?
Vance: I thought maybe you saw Felix on your way in.
Vance: He was going out about that time
Vance: I'm joking Ying Lan.
Ying-Lan: I saw him when I was in...but he did not say anything to me.
Ying-Lan: How was him? Where is maggi? She went to have her launch?
Ying-Lan: I did not see her name in my contact list.
Vance: Did Maggi leave? Where did she go? Do you want to come back to the voice chat?
Vance: Yeah, she's gone offline !!!
Ying-Lan: She has to work on Sunday?
Maggi: @64,64 !It's Maggi
Vance: She does? I think she was cooking. There she is.
Maggi: man a big wind blew me away
Ying-Lan: hi, maggi.
Maggi: Hi Ying
Maggi: when something goes down it goes down
Ying-Lan: I want to tell you .... " I have passed my test, I got the advice on last Wednesday. "
Maggi: the good new you mean
Maggi: news
Ying-Lan: A good news, at least I DON'T NEED to prepare it in next year.
Maggi: well...Felix left eh?
Maggi: for next year
Ying-Lan: I saw Felix in the contact list
Ying-Lan: see
Maggi: good news is always good
Ying-Lan: I dond't need to prepare it for next year.
Maggi: there you go ... one less thing to worry about then
Vance: I'm talking to Felix and Roner in the other room.
Maggi: men talk then?
Ying-Lan: My vice manager advise me to look for a man whom I will marry. it is the only job I have to do ... he said.
Ying-Lan: Do you think so?
Maggi: well he should have his rain checked Ying
Vance: I head that !!
Maggi: brain
Vance: heard
Maggi: see
Ying-Lan: Brain check... it is good or bad?
Maggi: you got us both worked up
Ying-Lan: work up.. cheer up?
Maggi: bad...what in the world does he think you are?
Vance: No worked up means angry
Ying-Lan: work up means angry...
Maggi: you are a person
Vance: He should have his brain checked = head examined
Maggi: and you will marry when it is right for you...
Vance: by a doctor, because he's sick
Maggi: not for someone else
Ying-Lan: He said if I don't marry in next three years... then It is hard to marry anyone in Taiwan.
Maggi: tell him the wheel is spinning but the hamster is dead...
Maggi: then you move
Ying-Lan: Maggi, you mean I am a person.. I have the right to choose which one I want..
Ying-Lan: rights.
Maggi: do Ying!!
Maggi: Don't let aqny man tell you otherwise.
Ying-Lan: But the problem is I do not dare to meet people...
Maggi: why not
Maggi: you met us...
Ying-Lan: It is different... you are far from me...
Maggi: not really
Maggi: here we are close
Ying-Lan: We don't meet each other in the real world.
Maggi: this is real too
Ying-Lan: It is real by heart to heart...
Maggi: and our hearts have met...
Vance: Maggi and I met in the real world. And she met Michael too.
Vance: It turned out we were exactly the same as we'd imagined.
Ying-Lan: Where is Michaelc...? he doesn't come tonoght, does he?
Maggi: only better
Vance: Michael is playing music somewhere.
Maggi: he is sleeping maybe...
Ying-Lan: only better ?
Maggi: yes...when we met it was better
Ying-Lan: I forgot tell you...The line was very slow one or one and half hours before..
Maggi: guitar will travel
Maggi: we know
Maggi: hey I'm sinking
Ying-Lan: I could not contact you guy by icq, even I saw vance in the contact list.. maggi, how did you know?
Vance: Michael emailed to say he was on holiday and was going to play guitar somewhere tonight.
Maggi: I couold see it
Ying-Lan: All.... on holiday...
Maggi: mc will take any opportunity to play...
Maggi: makes him feel good
Maggi: nd he should do it
Ying-Lan: That's good he have the habbit..
Maggi: habit
Maggi: better is that he enjoys what he likes as a hobby
Maggi: like Vance enjoys diving
Maggi: do you have hobbies you enjoy Ying?
Maggi: that make yo tingle?
Maggi: you
Ying-Lan: I think about
Maggi: don't think too long...
Ying-Lan: Watch H|BO
Ying-Lan: Watch HBO
Maggi: anything else...?
Maggi: does that make you tingle?
Ying-Lan: I learned the oil painting... one year before.
Maggi: ah...and?
Ying-Lan: I am a bored woman.
Maggi: well get back to painting then!!
Ying-Lan: yeah...
Maggi: oops
Maggi: it makes me tingle
Ying-Lan: I think I will go to painting class again.. tingle is the name of a small car.
Maggi: good name
Maggi: so you feel good when you drive it?
Ying-Lan: Why did you ask me the hobby?
Maggi: you need something to make you happy
Ying-Lan: I like to read.
Maggi: something you do for just you
Maggi: ok...
Ying-Lan: How about "work"?
Maggi: there we ngo
Maggi: work is ok too...I love my job
Maggi: but it is not for just me
Ying-Lan: But I don't love my job now.. it is hard for me.
Maggi: it gives me the money I need to live how I want
Ying-Lan: My brain is so small to think about my job...
Maggi: your brain is big...we only use a small part
Maggi: so much is left over...:-)
Ying-Lan: You are right.
Maggi: use it for you then
Ying-Lan: But I think I can not afford it.
Maggi: Vance is just listenig again...LOL
Maggi: sure you can Ying...
Ying-Lan: It is beyond my ability to make the load plan of my customer.
Maggi: well...that is silly...of course you can....
Maggi: juset do it
Maggi: just...don't think about it
Maggi: do it
Ying-Lan: do what?
Maggi: make the load plan
Ying-Lan: do my job without thinking.
Ying-Lan: I did... I did it today...
Maggi: you can do your job...why think about it...just do it?
Ying-Lan: Thanks ..
Maggi: see
Ying-Lan: Need your courage.
Ying-Lan: Did you see the movis "Life is beautiful"?
Maggi: just need to feel good about yourself
Ying-Lan: feel good.
Maggi: eee...slipped again
Ying-Lan: I saw it ...
Vance: who me? No, I didn't see it.
Vance: (who's shouting over here?)
Maggi: how did you like it Ying?
Ying-Lan: It is a good movie..
Ying-Lan: Yes, I can find the meaning of life from the film.
Ying-Lan: I lie.
Vance: Do you mean you are joking?
Ying-Lan: I like the film.. I still be sad after I saw it.
Ying-Lan: It desire to see the film if you get the opportunity.
Maggi: sorry...had to go throw my son some pliers
Maggi: Ying...what did you learn from the film?
Ying-Lan: A father loved his son so much.
Maggi: eee...did it agaqin
Maggi: wish my son's father did
Ying-Lan: The man loved his family.. and chased his wife by his entire heart..
Maggi: yes...that will get you...
Maggi: by the heart strings we say
Maggi: this man in the film loved a woman so much and she died because he couldn't get back to her
Maggi: and he promised
Maggi: but things got in the way
Ying-Lan: The importatnt one is the father protect his son in WAR 2
Maggi: something tells me maybe you are sad because you have no chidren Ying.
Maggi: I know people who have no children and are not unhappy...
Maggi: you can help others then
Maggi: wow...look at me...igit
Ying-Lan: No.. I find the message in the film ..
Maggi: which is?
Ying-Lan: Someone ask me it is good to learn English by going to school or study by herself.
Maggi: talking to others is best...using the language.
Maggi: communicating
Maggi: the rest comes with it
Maggi: Vance?
Vance: I'm here. Just got back from the little boy's room
Ying-Lan: You think it is good to learn English by going to school.
Vance: Roner and Felix left the voice chat so I took a break.
Maggi: forget school Ying
Maggi: talk to people
Vance: School can be a place where you can meet people and talk to them. It depends on the school.
Ying-Lan: You think it is better to talk to people .
Maggi: you can go to school forever and get no where
Maggi: depends on the people who go
Maggi: sure
Ying-Lan: I think os.
Ying-Lan: so.
Vance: Depends on how the teachers think
Maggi: well why leave your destiny up to them...take it in your own hands
Maggi: you did by cming here
Maggi: coming
Maggi: gee that food smells stomach is starting to say feed me...:-)
Maggi: peek
Maggi: eek
Ying-Lan: It is time to have your lunch.
Maggi: this is dinner
Ying-Lan: I think it is time to say bye to you.
Ying-Lan: dinner????
Maggi: yes...on Ssunday
Ying-Lan: Have a nice diner.
Maggi: It in't finished yet
Vance: I've got to go too. I"m very tired. And someone is here to help with videoconferencign.
Maggi: see...his fingers are tired
Ying-Lan: your son.
Maggi: the words are all running together
Ying-Lan: I think he is tired .. he worked all day.
Vance: Yeah, I've got to run. No, I'm at work.
Vance: I've been here for 11 hours.
Vance: Just one more to go
Maggi: I usually do 12
Ying-Lan: Are you still be in your office\?
Vance: Normal. Yeah, I am.
Ying-Lan: Waaaa,
Ying-Lan: Thanks for you.,
Ying-Lan: Thanks a lot.
Ying-Lan: see you next week.
Dr. Mary: @64,64 !It's Dr. Mary
Maggi: mouthatering
Maggi: watering...who is DrMary?
Maggi: Hi...hello?
Maggi: getting goose bumps
Maggi: wwhere i she?
Maggi: food is calling me
Vance: Boy, I'm really into work. We're working on videoconferencing because we have a conference in May.
Vance: It's very interesting but very tiring.
Vance: I was in touch with Felix by netmeeting today.
Maggi: well then I'll let you get down to it...bye Ying!
Vance: I just installed CUSeeme and just now tried it out. It works.
Maggi: it worked 2 yrs ago
Vance: First time I tried it.
Maggi: Dave tried it out on me
Vance: Do you have it?
Maggi: I was his guinea pg
Maggi: pig
Maggi: somewhere
Vance: Do you want to try it now? Oink?
Maggi: food is calling
Vance: You're NO FUN at all!!!
Maggi: well...just won't let you use me to satify your desires
Maggi: stisfy....
Maggi: LOL
Maggi: satisfy
Maggi: find aanother pig...
Maggi: man the smell i
Maggi: is heaven
Maggi: going
Maggi: going
Maggi: last words?
Maggi: now I wonder howw long I shoould give him?
Vance: hi, boss just walked in
Maggi: ok...then I am gone...bye!
And people are also going back and forth between the Palace and the voice chat!
Status: Connected
Vance has
Ying has
Vance: That's
coming in broken up.
Ying: I
saw maggi's name here on 4/13
Vance: Might
have been MaggiEE
Ying: I think
she could be here.
Vance: She's
from Guandong
Ying: OHHH.
she is maggie.
Vance: You
thought it was Maggi our teacher.
Ying: I have
passed the test.
Ying has
left <click here to follow her to the Palace>
Roner: Vance,
I don't know to talk Engish very good... Excuse-me...
Felix has
Vance: One
nice thing about this is that we can write what we are saying
Roner: All
Felix: yeah
Vance: What
did you ask him Felix?
Felix: Do you
have q-tips Roner (cotonetes) ?? hahah
Vance: Why
did he ask you that?
Roner: I was
try to learn the speak...
Vance: Oh,
he says so you can clear your ears Roner
Vance: He's
just kidding ...
Felix: Good
Roner... You are speaking very good
Roner: Ok...
It's good idea...
Roner: Repeat
Vance: Roner,
Felix asked if you like the program.
Roner: Vance...
With is used this program...?
Felix: can
you repeat Vance?
Roner: The
hearme is very good...
Felix: ok..
Now you just need to prepare the home page then
Felix: roner...
let's speak in Portuguese just to test the voice quality of this program ok?
Roner: Why?
Felix: Vance
what is the www in which you explain about Hear me instalation?
Felix: your
voice is breaking up.
Felix: The
connection is a shit now.. And I can't blame my servidor provider right Roner?
Roner: Write
for me, please...
Felix: "Vance
what is your www??
Felix: Because
Roner doesnt have it
Felix: you
can go to the palace Vance.. no problem.. I stay here with roner
Felix: my
puter is so slow now..
Felix: yeah
Felix: Can
you give me the www Vance?
Felix: But he
is online now Vance (roner)
Vance: the
www for what?
Felix: where
it has the explanations about hear me.. On your hp I mean
Felix: ??????
Felix: ok
Felix: ok
Felix: 25808003
Roner: Ok... You
can to speak normaly betwen your, but for to speak witch me write, please...
Vance: I
just asked Felix to authorize me on icq
Vance: Yes,
you can give it to me
Roner: 305800995
Vance: 30580995
Vance: I
see the difference
Felix: do you
have me on your list now Vance?
Roner: 30580995
Roner: I am
starting the icq now...
Roner has
Felix: I dont
Felix: I am
at work.. But I live here
Felix: nope..
I went from there yesterday
Felix has
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