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I apologize for being neglectful.....I do so enjoy receiving news from the group!!! I am a native of California, Fresno to be exact. I teach 6th grade math and science in a rural area where 95 percent of the population is Latino. So, my Spanish sure comes in handy when it is needed. I fell into the path of teaching strictly by accident or better yet was led onto the path by HIS hand. |
I worked in the area of substance abuse counseling for about 5 years before I decided to make the move into teaching. It was while I was assigned to a juvenile detention center for adolescents ages 12-18 that I realized a school setting is where I belonged.
This is my first year teaching 6th grade and it sure has had its ups and downs, but I am confident that everything will fall into place and that by the end of the year I will look back and say WOW. It sure is a far cry from my days of teaching miss the snacks and naps!!....Well, I guess this is it for now......more to follow.......Martha
Martha suggested we read this, on pros and cons of bilingual education:
Martha sent us this March 20, 2000
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Pick up those pennies
I thought this was cute.I always thought that it was for Good Luck, but I
love this version:
I found a penny today
Just laying on the ground,
But it's not just a penny
This little coin I've found.
Found pennies come from heaven
That's what my Grandpa told me,
He said Angels toss them down
Oh, how I loved that story.
He said when an Angel misses you
They toss a penny down,
Sometimes just to cheer you up
To make a smile out of your frown.
So don't pass by that penny
When you're feeling blue,
It may be a penny from heaven
That an Angel's tossed to you.
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