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Hello everyone. I am Lavern Keen. I am from Jamaica and I'm female My email is or My ICQ # is 24100059. I am looking forward to meeting you all.. ho - you all can call me Bridgett |
Michael's response
Hello Lavern. Great to meet you. My name's Michael and I'm another of the Webhead teachers.
It's wonderful to have someone from Jamaica join us - the home of reggae music (my favourite!) and some fantastic cricketers! But maybe you don't like reggae and cricket?
I look forward to learning more about you.
Thank you Michael. I do like reggae and cricket. Every Jamaican loves reggae and cricket. Our team isn't doing so well but we are still with them.
I am looking forward to joining you all in class .
And I think they need lots of support. I guess most people on this list won't know much about cricket (they probably think it's a crazy game!) but the West Indies (where Jamaica is) used to be the most powerful team in world cricket and now they are down at the bottom. It's a bit sad. Some people say it's because young West Indians these days are all more interested in basketball because they can get more money that way.
And somebody from Brazil (Nicia?) wrote that they like cricket. I'm amazed. I didn't think people in Brazil would know about it. Cricket is mostly played in countries where the English used to govern.
About reggae - what reggae music are people in Jamaica listening to these days? I used to love Bob Marley (of course) and Peter Tosh but they are both dead now.
Denilson's response
Ya man!!!
Hey Bridgett, here at the Broadmoor we have a lot of Jamaicans. More exactly, just now we don't have any, because the season is already finished, but in March they will be back!!!
Jamaican people are very cool!!! I like the accent and I want to know some Jamaican slang. Can you help me? I knew one guy, Frederick is his name, he would dance in the lobby and used to sing alone... He was a happy guy...
Well, before I go back to Brazil, I'm thinking of going to Jamaica to get to know the king's land... Mr. Bob
Is this, keep in touch
Hey, thank you, Denilson. I am looking forward to teaching you all the Jamaican you want to know, and I hope you will teach me all you know about the class.
Maggi's response
Hi is son is looking for the sun!
I live in Germany (grey-in-grey weather). I am American according to my passport but in my heart I belong to the world.
I love it when women find their way online...we can all work together to build a different world. Male and female...otherwise it won't work.
Michael and Vance are the best. You are in good tell us about yourself. We would love to know more...better than watching soaps on TV....look what you did to Denilson....:-) Watch your spelling Denilson...but a lot of native speakers are not much better.
I'm here...
Thank you, Maggi for that warm welcome .I like you already. I am Jamaican by birth. I am a fashion designer, but I work as a pattern-maker at the moment.
I am looking forward to the class. As you can see my English is a shame, but that is why I am here too.
ho - you all can call me Bridgett
Nicia's response
So, welcome to Lavern! I´m from Brazil and I like reggae and cricket very much. And I felt good to know that you are a fashion designer! I am a designer too, but with paper. Do you know about handmade paper?
Maybe there is someone who makes paper in Jamaica, but I don't know if this is true...
My best wishes for all,
Hey, thank you, Nicia. I am looking to meeting you all in the next chat.
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