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I am Jexabill Saire Piñerua Gonzalez, a 19 year-old-girl from Venezuela. I have been studying English for almost 6 months and I would like to improve my English. If you can help me with it I shall appreciate your help. About me, I am very sincere, kind, sometimes solitary, simple, very shy, sentimental, dreamy, and respectful. If you want to meet me, here is my e-mail and my ICQ: ICQ : 26742892. |
My interests:
I like walking in the mountains and seeing the sunset and appreciating all that nature gives to us without anything that we need to change, and I think we should take advantage of that.
I also like to meet new and interesting people with whom I can feel comfortable and talk and laugh about everything and share thoughts and feelings with.
Click here to learn about my country, Venezuela
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