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Hi Chotima:
As you wrote you could not receive any mails from EFI, I asked Vance about whatīs going on with your subscription. He responded that you still are in the list but there is something wrong with your mail server so we canīt reach you over the efiwebheads mail address. Your email is bouncing, then Vance gave me this advice:
Vance also canīt reach you with is own e-mail address. I am writing this hoping you can receive it.
Also Vance has posted a response for you on efiwebheads page (I think your efiwebheads page). You can see it at Consult the directory to find your page.
praparat wrote:
> HI gloria,,
> It's seem fun to dream in English but after this letter I think I got
> lost from the list so if possible please update my list and send me mail..
> love to hear from you,
> chotima
Hi Gloria and everyone,
I can't reach Chotima, unfortunately. All our messages to bounce. I'll put a message for him on the webheads web page and maybe he will see it.
All the best,
At 08:39 AM 7/12/99 -0400, Gloria wrote:
>Hi Vance and everyone!
>I got this e-mail from Chotima. It seems he has been experiencing some
>trouble in sending and receiving mails from the list.
>Could you Vance reply this e-mail (the one Iīm forwarding) to him?
>Take care...
>From: "praparat" <>
>Subject: Re: [efiwebheads] About dreaming in english and more..
>To: <>
>Reply-to: "praparat" <>
>HI gloria,,
> It's seem fun to dream in English but after this letter I think I got
>lost from the list so if possible please update my list and send me mail..
>love to hear from you,
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Gloria Centurion <>
>To: <>
>Date: 22 ÂūÃÃÃÃÂĪÃ 2542 19:53
>Subject: [efiwebheads] About dreaming in english and more..
>>Hi every one!
>>I was reading all those e-mail you have writen to the e-class. I heard
>>Denilson was dreaming in english for the first time and then Michael C
>>asked him if he wasnàļ"t able to count in english yet (i.e. when he was
>>shopping or something like that).Then Moral got interested on how to
>>dream in english. Iàļ"ve got good news for you all. It is possible to
>>dream in english. We live in a world where communications are taking
>>good position and most news that reach us come out in english. They are
>>just bombing us in english (just kidding). You can turn on the TV or the
>>radio and have your ears prepared to catch english words. So dreaming in
>>english will come or will flow natural. Then one day you will get
>>surprised of yourself when you find yourself counting in english or
>>something else in english :) It is like when in your native language you
>>use synonyms.
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