Like a lot of people, Vance moves around a lot. Here is current contact information:
Vance is CALL Coordinator for the AMIDEAST UAE/MLI Project
USA mailing address: 1730 M Street, NW, #1100; Washington, DC 20036, USA
phone: (202) 776-9600; fax: (202) 776-7091
Abu Dhabi office phone: +971-2-2087302; fax: +971-2-343307
Abu Dhabi home fax and voice mail: +971-2-326972
Personal P.O. box: 41637, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Vance's CV: CurriculumVita (not updated since 1997)
Page Vance on ICQ, 2774215
Personal email: vstevens@emirates.net.ae
Office email for work-related matters (and large attachments): v.stevens@mli.ac.ae
If the large attachment is not work related, send it to vance_stevens@hotmail.com
If you know that Vance is traveling, you can reach him at VanceStev@aol.com. Vance uses AOL as a service provider when traveling and is liable to check it often.
Vance rarely or never checks: vstevens@amideast.org
Viewed since December 17, 1997:
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