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our blood is all the same color

September 15, 2001: This message was distributed by Papyrus News. Feel free to forward this message to others, preferably with this introduction. For info on Papyrus News, including how to (un)subscribe or access archives, see <>.

New York, and the World Trade Center, are both epitomes of globalization, bringing together in their midst people from all over the world, including international tourists, foreign companies, and international employees (ranging from high-tech consultants to immigrant laborers).

It appears that many nations--not only the US--had more of their citizens killed in this attack than in any single previous terrorist attack. I would guess this list might includes Britian, Japan, Korea, Mexico, perhaps Belgium and Germany and other countries.

Here are a couple of stories on international victims. (free reg. required)

Of course the incredible diversity of the American people ourselves are also represented among the victims. For those of you who may not be following the story on television, that is one of the most striking and poignant aspects--to see so many people from so many cultures, religions, and backgrounds wandering the streets desperately trying to find any sign of their loved ones.

Included among these victims are an estimated 200 Arab-Americans and perhaps hundreds more Muslims of many nationalities. National representatives of Arab-American and Muslim American groups have been appearing on TV, denouncing the attack and eloquently explaining why Arabs and Muslims in the US should not be subject to harassment. There have, unfortunately, been many hate calls, harrassment, and even acts of violence against Arabs, Muslims, and Sikhs (!?) in the U.S. the last few days--and these acts are despicable--but I am heartened by the fact that much of the media and many (though of course not all) politicians aree going out of their way to defend these groups and to reach out to Arab-Americans and Muslim-Americans. This is certainly different than 60 years ago, when I doubt if any Japanese-American representatives were invited on TV a few days after Pearl Harbor. So I guess we're making progress.

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Last updated: September 18, 2001 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0