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CFP: The Net: New Apprentices and Old Masters

February 6, 2001: This message was distributed by Papyrus News. Feel free to forward this message to others, preferably with this introduction. For info on Papyrus News, including how to (un)subscribe or access archives, see <>.

Call for Papers


The internet is at the epicentre of a conceptual revolution, both in developed and developing countries dazzled by the lure of new technology. As Mark Nunes has written: "in its current figuration, the 'net' does more than network the globe; it creates a metaphorical world in which we conduct our lives. And the more ecstatic the promises of new, possible worlds, the more problematic the concept of 'the world' becomes."

In this special issue of Mots Pluriels we will be focusing on the role of the internet in changing - or not changing - power relations between individuals, communities, societies, countries and continents. Some of the questions which might be considered are:

To what extent does the net replicate pre-existing power relations, where "old masters" merely don new disguises? Does it open up possibilities of resistance to established power structures? Does it allow for a restructuring of power relations? Are "new apprentices" able to accede to a voice of their own? Who might these new apprentices be, what are they learning, and what will they do with that knowledge? In short, how different - if at all - is the world of cyberspace from the world outside, and what possibilities of liberation - if any - does it offer?

More specific questions which might be addressed in this issue include:

What does the internet/the web/cyberspace signify when observed from the varying perspectives of people of different genders, races, social classes? What is its real importance for minorities? How are its possibilities viewed in the “developing” as compared to the “developed” world? Does it mean something different in the East from in the West? How does it undercut established concepts of identity? How does it allow for identities to be (de-/re-)constructed?

Mots Pluriels is a refereed electronic and international journal open to literary-minded scholars wishing to share their points of view on important contemporary world issues. Manuscripts are reviewed by expert readers and publication is dependent on their approval.

As Mots Pluriels is a bilingual journal, articles may be submitted in either English or French. Submissions should not exceed 3000 - 3500 words. They should include a ten line paragraph presenting the writer of the article and his/her most recent publications (3 or 4). Further style guidelines can be found on the journal's homepage at:

All articles must be sent by e-mail to the the Guest Editor, Dr. Mark A. Pegrum, Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh, Scotland [] with a copy to the General Editor Dr. Jean-Marie Volet []

Submission Deadline: 15th May 2001

Publication Date: July 2001

For any further information, please contact Dr. Mark A. Pegrum [], Guest Editor and co-ordinator of the issue.

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Last updated: February 15, 2001 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0