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CFP: The Internet & Learning

November 24, 2000: This message was distributed by Papyrus News. Feel free to forward this message to others, preferably with this introduction. For info on Papyrus News, including how to (un)subscribe or access archives, see


What Have We Discovered and Where Are We Headed?

Sixth Annual Teaching in the Community Colleges Online Conference, April 17-19, 2001

Web site: <>

Proposal Deadline: January 3, 2001

THEME. The theme for the Sixth Annual Teaching in the Community Colleges Online Conference is "The Internet & Learning: What Have We Discovered and Where Are We Headed?" The organizers of this completely online event are especially interested in proposals from 2- and 4-year college faculty, administrators, counselors, librarians and support staff who use the Internet to deliver, manage, or support instruction in an online environment as well as in the traditional classroom.


* Online Course Preparation and Delivery: Useful practices for hybrid and completely virtual courses.

* Classroom Communications: Strategies for student-instructor and student-student interactions, International collaboration, learning communities, etc.

* Online Student Services: College information web sites, access to student records, online college catalog development and delivery, student portals, etc.

* Support Services: Electronic document delivery, CD-ROM and online catalogs, student orientation for online courses, instructional design, staff development, multimedia production, help desks, online tutoring, writing labs, etc.

* Online Degrees, Programs & Virtual Colleges: Management, development, delivery and assessment.

* Courseware and Communication Technologies: Demonstrations and useful techniques when using software or services such as WebCT, Blackboard, Serf, eCollege, PowerPoint, MOOs, WebBoard, Web Crossing, etc.

* Social Issues & Online Behavior: Security, intellectual property and Internet etiquette.

GOAL. The goal of this conference is to provide practitioners with an opportunity to share and dialog real-life experiences to deliver and support instruction and to demonstrate how the Internet facilitates, enhances or interferes with student learning or student services.

PROPOSALS AND INQUIRIES: Please send proposals and inquiries to Bert Kimura <>. Submissions should be in the form of a paper, panel discussion, poster session or preconference tutorial. The deadline for proposals is January 3, 2001. Information to include in your proposal:

* Presentation Title:

* Presentation Track:

* Presentation Format (paper, poster session, discussion, or preconference tutorial):

* Presenter's name(s) (include highest degree(s) attained, e.g., PhD, MBA):

* Presenter's academic title(s)/rank:

* Presenter's college, department:

* Presenter's business mailing address:

* Presenter's email (and WWW address if available):

* Status: Please indicate whether the proposed presentation has been previously published. If it has, describe substantive changes that will be incorporated in this presentation.

* Length of Proposal: Ten- to twenty-line description or summary of your proposed presentation.

* Format: Standard (generic) ASCII text (do not send as an encoded file).


* Instructors who use the newer technologies to either completely or partially deliver instruction

* Administrators or educators who coordinate or work with new technologies in learning

* Counselors who deal with trends and issues related to technology and learning; including staff responsible for admissions and records, registration, and special services

* Support Staff (e.g., library, computing, learning, ed media center staff) who provide services to faculty and students

* Individuals or groups in private and public sector organizations and agencies not directly associated with schools but engaged in technology and learning

* Other:



* All presentations will be posted on the conference web page from April 3, 2001, two weeks prior to the start of the conference on April 17, 2001. They will remain on the web during and for a while after the conference.

* All presenters will be expected to respond to private and public email questions and comments from participants re their papers. All presenters and participants will be included in the conference discussion list.

* All presenters will be expected to submit a photo and brief professional bio for the conference web page

* All presenters will be scheduled for a one-hour chat session (web based chat) on one of the three conference days. The sessions will be an informal medium for presenters to meet with participants. Practice sessions will be conducted during the preconference session beginning March 20, 2001.

* All conference papers will be published in the spring 2002 issue of the Teaching in the Community College (Electronic) Journal (TCC-J).

SPONSORS & VENDORS. Organizations or companies interested in participating in a virtual exhibition hall or becoming a major sponsor of this event may contact Ms. Sharon Fowler for details <>.

REGISTRATION FEE. All presenters are required to register online and pay a special early-bird registration fee by March 1, 2001.

FURTHER INFORMATION. For further information re guidelines for proposals, formats, possible topics, the role of a presenter, registration procedures, key dates, etc., please see or write to Dr. Bert Kimura <>, or Mr. Karl Naito <>. They can also be reached via telephone: Bert 1-808-734-9840, Karl 1-808-734-9865. Their mailing address: Kapi'olani Community College, 4303 Diamond Head Road, Honolulu, HI 96816, USA.

For comments, suggestions, or further information on this site, contact Vance Stevens, webmaster. Regarding content of Papyrus-News, contact Mark Warschauer.

Last updated: December 4, 2000 in Hot Metal Pro 6.0