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corrections! (Barcelona/Saudi)


October 16, 1999: This message was distributed by Papyrus News, a free e-mail distribution list on the global impact of information technology on language, literacy, and education. Feel free to forward this message to others, but please include this introductory paragraph. For information on subscribing or unsubscribing to Papyrus News see


(1) The deadline for proposals the "CALL for the 21st century" conference to be held next year in Barcelona has been changed from March 1, 2000, to December 31, 1999. For further information, see < >.

(2) Papyrus News reader David Boxall < > wrote to assert that a claim allegedly made by Reporters Sans Frontiers (reported in bYtes For All #3 which was distributed via Papyrus News) that Saudi Arabia all but bars the Internet is untrue. He writes that

"Visiting our local mall last weekend, I saw two internet cafes. There is another in a local hotel. At the beginning of this year, the Saudi government licensed no fewer than 40 Internet Service Providers. It is true that the Saudis try to block access to websites with pornographic or political content, but that is a far cry from virtually barring the Internet from the country. Incidentally, I work for a Saudi company that gives web access to all of its office employees who use a computer..."

This raises the question of how a nation such as Saudi Arabia is handling the contradictions between tradition and modernity that are posed by the Internet. How does Internet use intersect with and impact traditional political, educational, or social norms in Saudi? If anybody has come across any interesting writings on this topic, or would just like to share their thoughts, get in touch.


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Last updated: October 17, 1999