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EPAA: Testing & Technology in schools


March 30, 2000: This message was distributed by Papyrus News, a free e-mail distribution list on the global impact of information technology on language, literacy, and education. Feel free to forward this message to others, preferably with this introduction. For information on Papyrus News, including how to (un)subscribe or access archives, see <>.


The Education Policy Analysis Archives is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal freely accessible on the internet at

EPAA has just published Volume 8 Number 19 "Bridging the Gap between Testing and Technology in Schools" by Michael Russell and Walt Haney of Boston College.

The article can be accessed directly at

An abstract follows:

Bridging the Gap between Testing and Technology in Schools

Michael Russell, Boston College

Walt Haney, Boston College


The widening gap between the increased use of technology in schools and the absence of computers in state-level testing programs raises important implications for policies related to the use of both technology and testing in schools.  In this article, we summarize recent developments in the use of technology in schools and in state level testing programs.  We then describe two studies indicating that written tests administered on paper underestimate the achievement of students accustomed to working on computers. We conclude by discussing four approaches to bridging the gap between technology and testing in U.S. schools.


Gene V Glass,  Editor

Education Policy Analysis Archives

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Last updated: April 1, 2000