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A Byte of Knowledge Can be Dangerous?


April 25, 2000: This message was distributed by Papyrus News, a free e-mail distribution list on the global impact of information technology on language, literacy, and education. Feel free to forward this message to others, preferably with this introduction. For information on Papyrus News, including how to (un)subscribe or access archives, see <>.


How a Byte of Knowledge Can Be Dangerous, Too

SÃO PAULO, Brazil -- The prospects seemed bright when the Internet was recently introduced in a remote part of the mountainous Cotopoxi region in Ecuador. Under the guidance of aid workers, Quichua-speaking peasants planned to gather crop information and sell their crafts over the Web....

[Clipped for copyright.  Goes on to discuss possible negative consequences of village access to net. See full article in the New York Times online]:

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Last updated: April 28, 2000