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How to Install Word HTML Capability to MS Word 97

If you create a file in Word, you should be able to save it as HTML. If this is the case, you will have the option (from a Word .doc file) to use File / Save as HTML, as shown:

AND from File / New, you will have a Web Pages tab, as shown below:

If you don't have this capability, then you will have to run Office setup again and check in the box which gives you html production and editing capabilities in Word. Unfortunately, this isn't the default setting, and the person who installed Office on your machine might not have taken the trouble to add this feature during installation.

Here are the steps

Close all Office applications, such as Word, and including the Microsoft Office Shortcut bar

From the Office CD ...


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For comments, suggestions, or further information on this page, contact Vance Stevens, page author and webmaster.

Last updated: June 29, 1999